Keeping It 100.
I have been practicing yoga at Human Breathing Yoga for almost 6 years now. The past two years, each January, we celebrate the members of our studio who have attended 100 or more classes in the previous calendar year. It is an amazing opportunity to acknowledge that each class is a building block helping each member's practice to grow. You can see in each of those acknowledged that their practice happens with frequency and commitment.
The first year, I was exactly 5 classes away from 100. I know this because I had those last 5 classes mapped out on my calendar when my mother in law got very sick and Ron looked at me and asked me to please not go to yoga anymore for the year because he needed me at home.
The next year, between Ron and I, we practiced 132 classes. Yes, Ron and I share a card. Human Breathing has a special deal for families with small children that allows a married couple to share a card because usually, only one parent can attend at a time because the other is watching the children. We have one of those cards. This is important to mention because my 132 classes were OUR 132 classes. Ron practices about once a week, while I practice 4-6 times a week but, like most things in marriage, that is no matter. They are shared.
This year, 2016, Ron and I made a goal that we would make 100 classes before the end of May.
We did it.
I have no idea where the idea came from or why we picked the 5 month time frame, but once we settled on it, that was that.
We set a goal of 100 classes. The number is arbitrary, really. But on the nights/mornings that I would rather have stayed in bed or on the couch and just not shown up on my mat, I did because I made a promise to myself that I would. I showed up for myself.
And, that is the most powerful lesson my yoga practice has taught me.
Being able to count my classes and know the seat, tears and yes even blood that went into my practice makes it tangible. I can feel each of those vinyasas in my practice, they are my foundation.